exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

holiday cheer

by J at 5:45 pm on 23.12.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica, holidaze

in the spirit of christmas, i bring you the following for your perusing pleasure:

for that last minute shopping stocking stuffer: Meat scented air fresheners. but does it cover the smell of dirty gym socks?

not likely to have a white christmas? enjoy snowcrystals.com. fascinating.

disturbing and perverted christmas classifieds at craigslist. bring me a keg, i’ll give you a blow job.

wish this was a gag gift, but it’s not. for only $50,000, you can give the gift on everyone’s wish list, a clone of your dead kitty

okay, not xmas related, but i love diet coke (and sickeningly enough, tab. what can i say, i was a child of the 70s…)

top 100 toys we wanted in the 70s. before there was nintendo gameboy, there was merlin. and shrinky dinks (a curiously named invention if ever there was one…)

merry christmas eve-eve!

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