exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

much ado about nuthin

by J at 5:08 pm on 17.12.2004Comments Off
filed under: mutterings and musings

sorry for the lack of blogs lately. been busy busy busy, trying to sort out wedding stuff (19th Feb! only 9 weeks!) christmas shopping, etc.

but the other thing is, it’s my birthday on the 25th. sucky, yes. every year, people are away/poor/busy and my birthday gets brushed aside, with soon-forgotten promises to get together in the new year and a myriad of lacklustre apologies. what can I do? i can’t change when I was born, yet it’s impossible not to feel a bit hurt when no celebration comes together. well-intentioned efforts fall apart and i am left trying to pretend it doesn’t matter.

the truth is, it does. it shouldn’t, but it does. perhaps if i had ever had parties, i would be able to take it all in stride. and i don’t want people’s pity. i just somehow wish it could be different than it is. but if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. sometimes life is not very fair, and i just have to suck it up and get over it. but it takes a bit of the shine off xmas, no matter how i try to convince myself otherwise.

big party this weekend for blair and leeann, who are leaving dreary london for the permanent sun of oz. as the epicentre of the aussie/saffa expat community and social scene, there will be a lot of people wanting to say their farewells, so saturday night should be a big one.

that’s the update for now. as the year comes to a close, i’m sure i’ll have a lot more to reflect upon, so blogs should be more frequent. watch this space (or better yet, sign up for email when this blog updates below…)

toodles! xoxo

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