exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

parenthetical (dear santa)

by J at 6:21 pm on 2.12.2004Comments Off
filed under: holidaze, mutterings and musings

haven’t been really able to get into the “christmas spirit” yet, but hoping to find joy and merriment (at the bottom of a mulled wineglass) this weekend! drinks friday night should get it off to a good start, and then perhaps some window shopping (shopping *through* windows, not shopping *for* windows) this weekend. J and I and not buying each other presents this holiday (though that doesn’t let anyone off the hook for my birthday!), as we’re going skiing in toulouse in the new year, but there may be a few stocking stuffer surprises (why does that sound really dirty?)

in any case, we’re saving for the wedding (19th february, south africa!) and the world tour (end of 2005) still, so i’ll just have to be a little more creative in gift-giving this year (though not nearly as creative as the year i spent 3 months making homemade liqueurs) but for anyone who may be inclined to get me something (or on the off chance santa reads my blog) i have compiled a small list of gifts i would like, arranged in no particular order (and definitely not alphabetical)

marc jacobs newest perfume
my two front teeth
a kitty
tix to see “cake”
tix to hawaii
a new digital camera
world peace
candy corn
lasik eye surgery
a rolling pin
the ability to fly
rock-climbing harness
a new u.s. president
pretty flowers
my sister
a giant wad of £50 notes

i don’t ask for much!

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