we’re having some fun now
hmm, what to say about the weekend? friday was bonfire night here in the uk, to celebrate guy fawkes day. which basically means everyone and their brother runs around shooting off fireworks for two weeks prior and one week after. i adore fireworks, so we went to watch the display in wimbledon. got there late, and there was a huge queue to get into the park, and we thought we’d missed it, so we were headed to the tube station, when suddenly music starts blaring and big blooms of fire start lighting up the sky. we wandered down a tiny side street and had a wonderful view of everything. fairly impressive, considering it was just a local show.
after the fireworks, we headed out for drinks til late. ugh – too much for my newly healthy immune system to handle!
saturday was a chilled day, doing errands in preparation for j’s family’s arrival. sunday was more of the same, buying pillows and such. did a nice long run though – 10 miles. hopefully we’ll be well enough prepared for this half marathon next weekend! only time (and knees) will tell…