not much to tell about the weekend, sad to say. friday night, j and i had a “date” – i.e. drinks and dinner. saturday was a washout – boring. sunday, went for a run, then spent the afternoon in wimbledon, shopping for books and dvds, having a late lunch.
forgot to mention that last week we watched “supersize me”, a horrifying look at the destruction fast food can wreak on the human body. the truly scary thing is, it’s not so far off – how many people do you know who order takeaway on a first name basis? halfway through my popcorn, i had to put it down in shame. you could practically *hear* the palm kernel oil bubbling through my arteries.
for your edification:
how to fake a british accent. (and a new england accent – ben affleck, listen up!)
ali g got ralph nader to talk about putting boxes on cows assholes. why america doesn’t get it.
proof that retro is only cool to those who didn’t have to live through it the first time.
i found some of your life in the back of a taxi.
that’s more than enough for a monday. see you on the flipside.