exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

please bear with us, we are experiencing technical difficulties

by J at 5:46 pm on 26.07.2004Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

so the blogging has fallen off a bit because we’re having internet problems at home, and i’m actually too busy at work to catch up. hopefully should be sorted very soon, so hang in there.

let’s seeeeee…. in the past few weeks I have:

started learning guitar (ow!)

become obsessed with making *the* perfect saffa melktert (milk tart), to the tune of five tries so far

gone climbing and completed two 6A routes (yay for me!)

got a powerball and gone completely mad trying to beat my own personal record (9,600 rpm)

booked a weekend in rome

daydreamed about my holiday to the states coming up

watched too many dvds

seen the sun set over the thames in richmond

been out drinking too often

and ummm, that’s about it!

didja miss me?

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