exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

an open letter to michael moore

by J at 12:12 am on 11.07.2004Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

i have never felt such intense rage. sadness. frustration. horror. shame. all in the space of two and a half hours.

i didn’t want to watch this movie. but i felt compelled to.

the grief of reliving september 11th. the violation of being stripped of my civil rights. the abject helplessness of watching murder at the hands of my government.

the stark horror of watching it all unfold, and being able to do *nothing*.

i hate you for it. i don’t want to feel this way. but i hope and pray i am not the only one. from the numbers in the theatre tonight, i don’t think i am alone.

and that gives me hope.

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