strike, squash, superheros
ugh. london tube was on strike today. I was lucky enough to be able to walk to work, but some people faced commutes of 2+ hours. lots of people didn’t even bother. the tube carries about 3 million passengers a day. now there’s talk of a retaliatory boycott. given the number of people i saw walking and cycling today, a series of rolling tube strikes might be a good way to get londoners in shape. forced fitness: the new central government initiative. I can see it already.
my walk to work, however, was considerably slowed by the fact that i made the misguided decision to play squash again last night. i don’t know how long it will take me to figure out a) the ball doesn’t bounce and b) the walls are stationary. accidentally slamming the racquet into a wall is frustrating and not good for the health of the racquet. deliberately slamming the racquet into the wall out of sheer frustration is not good either. not to mention the prevailing law of physics of squash: when the ball doesn’t bounce (as it doesn’t) and the legs will not move (as they wouldn’t) the ball will, as a rule, thump leadenly and roll to the farthest corner of the court (as it does). it then becomes not so much a game of squash, as a game of “let’s see how frequently jen can accidentally kick the ball away from her in her clumsy attempts to fetch it”, which is definitely not as much fun.
happy birthday to nick! who is sporting a kick-ass tan from her recent holiday in greece (which I was meant to go on). i have decided, in honour of her birthday, to suspend my determined anger with her, over the fact that she is leaving me to return home to new zealand in just 15 short weeks. don’t say i never gave you nuthin’.
elsewhere on this crazy little dust mote we call earth:
truckers as government spies (do i even need to point out how simultaneously ridiculous and scary this is?)
the plight of the black superhero (i’ve had many a conversation about this, surprisingly)
that’s enough for the mo’. talk atcha later…