tipple, cripple, crumble
so then –
wish i had more exciting news to relate about this weekend, but all in all it mostly consisted of drinking, hobbling, and baking.
friday night, ja nd i met up w/ andy to exchange musical memorabilia. andy brought me back a jealous sound t-shirt and a signed cd, as he got to rub noses with the band whilst out in cali. nice to know they haven’t been tainted by stardom. perhaps I’ll even get a chance to see them when i am home for holiday in august (did i mention that? j and i are headed to nyc/boston to visit the folk and peeps. it’ll be his first visit, so should be fun to show him the old ‘hoods). here’s a pic of a and blair shehan:
the pixies fairy brought him a t-shirt and a downloaded copy of the gig he missed.
spent much of the evening discoursing on the sad state of the american government, world politics, and how to make a bomb out of matchstick heads and a needle. aided, of course, by plenty of liquid refreshment.
saturday morning, i was feeling quite brave and suggestes j and i go for a run down to the river and back (nearly 8 miles). this went rather well – plenty of sweat and fresh air and sunshine. until my knee gave out – again. rather than take the prudent course of action and baby my recurrent injury, i (being rather chilly) decided to try and keep running. bad idea, capital b, capital i. upon reaching home, it was quickly ascertained that i could no longer ascend even the most measly starcase, as anything requiring bending my knee whilst putting my weight on it, brought on a severe case of the “owies”. (need i point out that my flat is two flights up, and two floors?). managed to limp heavily to go see “harry potter” that night, but moaning with every step is not the most joyous of sounds.
sunday, rock climbing was out of the question, so spent the day baking loads of carbohydrate confections instead, and watched a bunch of dvds in the evening.
not all that exciting, but there you have it.