weekends like this one, just plumb tucker me out. i’d be a miserable old bitch to complain about having too much fun stuff to do, but the weekend just flies by, and before you know it, you’re dragging your sorry tired ass back to work even more exhausted than when you started.
friday night we went out for drinks and a late dinner, which in itself was not tiring, however we didn’t get to bed til very late, and had to get up quite early saturday morning to hike all the way out to fairlop for…
j’s birthday bungee jump! when asked how the experience was, his immediate reply was : “a lot higher than it looks!” disappointed that his jump was less like a graceful swan dive, and more like a clumsy trip (apparently it’s hard to jump gracefully when your feet are hobbled together), he still said it was quite a rush free-falling with the ground coming at you fast and furious, and is very keen to go again when we’re in s.a. later this year. i hear tell they have some mighty big bridges down there. after the adrenaline wore off and a celebratory pint drunk, we went home for lunch to get ready for… the pixies!!!
(which I’ll get to in just a moment – bear with me)
after the concert, came home to watch half of game six of the stanley cup finals, hoping for a thrilling Calgary Flames victory. Unfortunately, it was not to be, and fans will be holding their breath as it all comes down to Game 7 on Monday night.
Woke up early on Sunday for an invigorating (if somewhat shortened) session of rock-climbing. It’s finally starting to get easier, which is tremendously satisfying. Headed home to shop (why do we always do this on a Sunday when the rest of the world is at the store?!?!) and do a massive house-clean, and then baked some homemade bread. Yum! By 10:30 I was wiped, and glad to have an early night of it.
So now,
*the pixies*!!! sadly, andy and kim weren’t able to come. but at the risk of rubbing salt in the wound, it was fucking kick-ass. a pixie fan’s wet dream. Ageing and thickening, less charismatic than a sack of potatoes – they have no stage presence, no ingratiating patter, and a large amount of thinly veiled disdain for the fans who adore them (claiming the only reason for their “sold out” reunion was an influx of cash) – yet they rocked the place to its core. the venerable brixton academy was a house of worship shaken to its foundation. i’ve never heard so much noise at a concert – the airplane runways at heathrow would seem a library in comparison. it started building in anticipation from a full half hour before they came on stage (in spite of the sleep inducing lullabies of badly drawn boy who did an opening set), and there was no letup from the time they stepped in front of the microphones to a deafening roar of complete adulation, till the house lights came on and concert-goers had to be picked up and thrown out. every single one of those 5,000 people was so fervent in their appreciation – die hard fans, who shouted along with every screaming verse and cheered every derisive sneer. most of them had been waiting for over 13 years for a show like this – and it was worth every second of the wait.
The Pixies set it on fire. They ripped through the set like a buzzsaw through paper, with no pause for breath, no letup from one fantastically twisted and hyperactive song right after the other, laying authoritative claim, commanding their rightful place in rock history. Creepy wailing anthems bleeding directly into full-out brain-assault discordant thrashing, decisively reminding the pundits that (in spite of their breakup timing) *they were* the seminal band of the nineties, riling up the likes of nirvana and daring them to turn the establishment on its ear, put a steel-toed boot firmly on the back of its neck.
They tore up the place, chewed it, spat it out – and the crowd cried out for more.
The set-list in full on Saturday ran:
? ‘Head On’
? ‘U-Mass’
? ‘Monkey Gone TO Heaven’
? ‘Cactus’
? ‘Caribou’
? ‘No.13 Baby’
? ‘Broken Face’
? ‘Crackity Jones’
? ‘Isla De Encanta’
? ‘Something Against You’
? ‘Hey’
? ‘Mr Grieves’
? ‘I Bleed’
? ‘Velouria’
? ‘Dead’
? ‘Gouge Away’
? ‘Tame’
? ‘Gigantic’
? ‘River Euphrates’
? ‘Debaser’
? ‘Wave Of Mutilation’
? ‘In Heaven/Wave Of Mutilation (UK surf)’
? ‘Where Is My Mind?’
? ‘Blown Away’
? ‘Here Comes Your Man’
? ‘The Holiday Song’
? ‘Vamos’
Pictures still to come, so check back.