exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

like a rock, like a planet, like a fuckin atom bomb

by J at 10:16 pm on 16.05.2004Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

very busy weekend ’twas!

friday night was jonno’s birthday drinks, which involved mass quantities of beer, far-too-animated bullshit debate, and the inevitable stumble home which ensued.

saturday, the weather was glorious, so we headed to the park, where kerryn taught me to throw a curve pitch (he said i had a “natural action”, and having been groomed for the minor leagues, he should know). admire my mechanics below:

there was a whole lot of ball huntin’ in the grass (*i* didn’t lose it!), running around after escapee wild throws (i take credit for only a few), and some very dirty feet. then we played a knucklebiting game of scrabble, ate strawberries, and toasted ourselves to a light sunburn.

then saturday night, we went to see legend bad religion play at the astoria. they fuckin’ rocked. blew the house away (not to mention the satisfactorily righteous thrashing of the current political shenanigans or bush & co., which warmed the cockles of my heart). there were, of course, the obligatory torturous opening bands they like to subject you to once you are trapped and cannot leave, but luckily, it was more than worth the wait. jonno and kerryn moshed till they could mosh no more (i just jumped around a whole lot), and left the altar or their heros simultaneously awestruck and thoroughly gratified.

sunday morning and afternoon were spent rock climbing. i invested in a proper pair of climbing shoes, and climbed till my hands and arms were jellied. i want to buy a nice harness next, but at least now, i no longer have to worry about getting a fungal infection from the hired shoes (climbing shoes are generally worn sans sox, and being made of leather and gummy soles, cannot be laundered. you can only imagine how manky they get…)

sunday evening we went grocery shopping (woo hoo! there is only so much pasta one person can eat in a week) and then popped in to the barbeque next door, before retiring to watch “25th hour”.

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