exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

our plan for world domination

by J at 11:41 am on 26.03.2004Comments Off
filed under: blurblets

still caught up in the whirlwind. tonight I do my firewalk! tomorrow i’m off to amsterdam for angela’s 30th birthday blowout, crawling back to work on monday morning.

jonno and i are planning a year long trip around the world! seriously! leaving june 2005. i am in charge of planning the americas and europe, he’s in charge of planning asia, africa/mid-east, and pacific islands. i find it too hard to narrow my choices though, so left to me, we’d spend the whole year hitchhiking through central america.

i know, i know, pictures of bath and rome are still outstanding, pictures of the firewalk and amsterdam to come. i *will* get them up by the end of next week, i swear, i just haven’t been home in a month to edit/arrange/publish them. hell, i’ve barely even had a chance to look at them myself.

happy 87th b-day grampa maddock! love you lots.

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