exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

cornwall, candy, crufts

by J at 9:10 am on 8.03.2004Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

hello again, dear reader!

spring is arriving quickly, and it just makes the mornings sooo much easier to bear. the weekend was very low-key and mellow, thoroughly relaxing. friday night, nick and i had a nice dinner, then i just stayed in and watched telly. saturday, at my behest, we went on a mission to the shopping centre in croyden, where i made a pilgrimage to a shop called “sweets from heaven”, specialising in american sweets! i’m far too embarrassed to admit how much i actually spent, but i am now fully stocked on marshmallow fluff, twizzlers, and peanut butter. i even found the holy grail – candy corn! i’m told i was actually jumping around in the shop, though in my ecstatic state, i don’t clearly recall. seems highly likely, though.

just when i thought it couldn’t get any better, on the way home i found a jewish deli with real honest-to-goodness dill pickles! the jar i bought, could be most accurately described as a small vat. pickles here just aren’t the same.

saturday night, went back to my flat, cooked dinner in and watched “city of god”, a gritty and unflinching true story about the street gangs terrorising the favelas of rio de janeiro. well worth watching.

sunday was lazy and chilled-out: a coffee, newspaper, breakfast-all-day kind of day. planned a road trip to idyllic cornwall over the easter weekend (!), which i am extremely excited about – it is supposed to be amazingly beautiful, and i’ve never been. also planned to go to the movies sunday afternoon, but that somehow never quite got off the ground, so went to the asian noodle bar “slurp” in streatham for dinner, which has much to recommend it being a)scrummy b)cheap and c)about 30 metres away from nick’s front door. the rest of the evening was all about watching the border collies fly around at the crufts dog show on television.

a delicious and delight-filled weekend.

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