exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

ignorance is bliss

by J at 8:53 am on 5.03.2004Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

hello friends and neighbours…

lots going on in the world, that i’d like to add my acerbic commentary to, but i’ve been deprived of my internet access except at work, so you’ll just have to imagine my rantings on your own.

on the plus side, it has been sooo nice having an actual *life* which is too full to worry (much) about the daily atrocities and outrages going on in the world, over which i have no control anyway.

i feel like i am on holiday!

anywhoo, i’m still in streatham, staying by nick’s place, although this weekend i am looking forward to laying low back at my flat and being cosy (angela is in paris).

lots to come in the coming few weeks, so stay tuned…

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