firewalk with me and chick trip amsterdam
an eventful weekend.
firstly, friday i did my firewalk for phoenix house (and yes, you can still send your donations!) i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t a little nervous. especially when the trainer tells you that human flesh melts at 300F, engine blocks are cast at 1100F, and the coals you will be walking on are 1263F. not exactly a confidence booster. and by the time we started to smell the smoke of the fire being prepared, i was outright scared.
but in the end, it is very simple: you either do it, or you don’t. if you don’t believe it 100%, there is no way you can force your body to move that first step onto red hot embers. survival instinct won’t allow it. and at that point i became very calm and just moved forward, and before i knew it, the whole thing was over.
it was hot. it was damn hot. anyone that says you don’t feel it is lying their ass off. even standing there getting ready to go, you feel you face getting tight from the heat. you suddenly realise that humans are *just not meant to deliberately put themselves in the path of fire*.
but, like skydiving, once you begin, there is no backing out until it’s over. and it’s over in the blink of an eye. over so quickly, in fact, that jonno didn’t manage to get a picture of me. ah well. there is supposedly a cd of photos which will be mailed, and hopefully there’s one of me. but even if not, i don’t really need photographic evidence. *i* know i did it. and that’s all that matters.
tick one more thing off the list.
saturday morning, angela, clare, sarah, shiela, natasha, su, and myself headed for amsterdam. it took and hour and a half to drive to gatwick from peckham, due to traffic, but i got there in the nick of time. we had a pre-flight birthday champagne toast, and an hour later landed at schipol airport. the hostel we stayed in was very reminiscent of a 1970s slumber party, but we dumped our bags and headed out for a drink.
amongst 7 girls, you would think the odds are that *one* of them would be able to read a map, however that appeared not to be the case, but after much circuitous meandering we ended up at a lovely little pub for a few cocktails and some “new” cheese (or was it “old” cheese??) in any case, we made a group decision to have dinner at a *Very* friendly italian restaurant, with plates the size of your head, and thanks to some hard-ball tactics by shiela, a free carafe of wine. after stuffing ourselves silly (what would prove to be a recurrent theme for the weekend), we managed to locate this great hip/mellow/ambient coffeehouse, where we proceeded to do as the locals, and get completed wasted. we spent the evening giggling away, until closing, at which point we decided to walk back to the hostel. clare assumed the role of “lead navigator and mistress of the map”, a decidely unwise decision, as an hour and a half later, we had managed to walk a route not unlike that of two big circles, connected by a wildly erratic squiggle. nevertheless we made it home, and were snug as bugs in rugs by 4:30.
the next morning started off a bit “panic stations”, as we’d forgotten all about the daylight savings time change in the middle of the night, but managed to right ourselves and head out in search of food by noon, only to suffer deja vu all over again, when we could not seem to head in the direction of the city centre staring out at us tauntingly from the map. hungry and cranky, we ended up in cabs, landing for brunch at a touristy yet nice restaurant, where we again, stuffed ourselves silly.
satiated, we decided to divide and conquer the city, a group of us heading shopping and then to the canal cruise, and a contingent headed for anne franks house. we stopped at a cigar shop and a sweet shop (where i bought my bodyweight in licquorice) and then took a very pleasant, if somewhat sedate, cruise along the canals. after wandering the red-light district, we refreshed ourselves at the “smallest pub in the netherlands”, and had entertaining conversation with the wacky bartender.
regrouping, we then headed out for more drinks, even more drinks, and still more drinks, followed by a very late dinner, before cabbing it back to the hostel for the evening.
6am wakeup call to get to the airport, and by 9:15 local time, back in gloomy gus london. where i proceeded directly to work. do not pass go. do not collect $200. bah.
marvel at the photographic beauty here