turning it up to 11…
i find it enormously ironic (no, not in the alannis morisette song way, but in the true sense of the word) that “the darkness” are taken seriously. i’d have more respect for them if they acknowledged they were supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. or maybe they do. gawd, i’m so confused. perhaps therein lies the appeal (confuse and conquer?) i mean, look at the lead singer: give him a haircut and a tie and he could be an accountant for price waterhouse coopers. they’re like a “spinal tap” for the naughties. then again,“spinal tap” actually had multiple albums. so maybe the biggest joke is on us.
ahh, the joys of urban life. in the past three weeks i have 1. been hit by a car 2. been spit on by a stranger and 3. seen a fox lapping up a big pile of vomit.
does any actually *stand* for anything anymore? a-rod is a pussy. in his negotiations with the red sox the man swore he didn’t want to play for the yankees, didn’t want to play third base (derek jeter already in ss), and was desperate to get out of texas, even playing for a lot less money. but in the end, it was all about the benjamins, and he will apparently suck hard on george steinbrenner’s big fat ass if it’s spewing enough dollar bills.
i grew up loving this game. i never believed it was anything holy or pure. i’ve always known it bore as much resemblance to a “game” as a high stakes poker table at vegas resembles “recreational betting”. but i am rapidly losing my taste for anything associated with it that does not occur in 9 innings on a field shaped like a diamond. baseball may be a business, but where’s the sport in that?
i hate linking to salon.com articles, but this article (part 1) and this (part 2) about the cointelpro-like tactics being taken against anti-war demonstrators in the name of “anti-terrorism” is some of the scariest shit i’ve read in a while. worth watching the annoying commercial for.
i’d rather vote for a vomit-eating fox for president than george bush.
and there’s this guy, who reasonably enough assumed that since he was not breaking any laws, he didn’t have to show cops his id, but was arrested for refusing to do so. and he’s managed to take it all the way to the supreme court who have decided his case has enough merit to warrant a hearing in march.
america is becoming one giant police state. rights, liberties and freedoms are being eroded from beneath our very feet, every day. the political mood is leadenly oppressive, the news is sensationalised, ordinary citizens are intimidated and confused and stunned into submission. as the united states goes, so goes the world, and i’m not so sure that it’s any better elsewhere, but if a nation with the power that america has, no longer has any ideal of moral highground (not that we could ever claim we held it, but at least we had the ideal), no sense of noblesse oblige, no hint of a token gesture of trying to lead by example, well then the sad, sorry, state of the world that we spend so much time bemoaning has a bleaker future than any of us could imagine.
as if you needed any more reason, please join the aclu today!