exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

keeps you on your toes

by J at 10:31 am on 13.02.2004Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, this sporting life

if I ever get arthritis, i’ll have to shoot myself.

after last night’s rock-climbing, i have no manual dexterity whatsoever. my hands have become weak misshapen claws. attempts to plait my hair this morning were a cruel joke. and i could really do with one of those sticks you attach to your forehead to type. but i love it. iloveitiloveitiloveit. we went up one climb using only our feet, no hands, and even though you’re tethered, being 30 feet up and hanging on to a wall with just your toes is heartstopping and exhilarating. everything about it challenges you to conquer that nagging voice in the back of your head that says “are you insane?!? a) you’ll never be able to do that and b) get down!!!”. and somehow you do it anyway, and the sense of accomplishment is indescribable. but by the end of the evening, i couldn’t have tied my shoes if my life depended on it.

so, i have a new layout, thanks to the (theoretically) simple beauty of css. i still have some tweaking to do to make it pretty, but i think it’s a huge improvement overall. and i still have to do the photo pages.

i am finally going to get to do glassblowing! a six week course starts 24th feb at city of westminster college. unfortunately my firewalk has been postponed for a month. which means that from 18th-22nd march i’m goggling over italian men in rome, 26th i walk on hot coals, and 27th-29th i celebrate by overindulging in illicit substances and mass quantities of liquorice. busy busy busy two weeks.

I seem to have somehow agreed to sign up for the tough guy challenge in july. 8 miles of obstacles and mud. recommended training includes jumping into cold lakes. should be fun.

oh, and I am going to see the pixies! only 16 weeks, one day!

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