exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

a to zed

by J at 10:03 pm on 4.02.2004Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

had to take the bus home today, and ran into this poor american woman who had just moved here yesterday and was hopelessly lost and couldn’t find her house. i think i pointed her in the right direction, but who knows, since she lived on a little mews i only vaguely remember walking past once. then i advised her to buy a “london a to zed”. (for those of you who don’t know, the “a to zed” is a londoner’s bible, and lists every teeny little yard, mews, court and close in the city. london is even more illogically laid out than boston.)

funny, i remember what a big deal it was for me the first time i ventured out without it! and i was just thinking on the bus ride that i finally felt like i was starting to get a grasp on this city.

30th march will be a year I’ve been here (excepting my two months of unwilling exile, which in true “jen logic” i have decided don’t count). the older I get, the faster they go. remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t wait for the year to be over? now i want to stall time, rein it in, and make it slow to a speed where i can appreciate things more fully. you don’t get it back.

yes, the times they are a’ changin’: looks like come may, gay couples will be having full legal marriages in massachusetts. sadly ladies, I am already spoken for, since jo has been trying to get me to marry her for some time now. at least we won’t have to go to canada!

interesting experiment: While sitting in your chair, lift your right foot slightly off the ground and move it in clockwise circles. Now draw the numeral “6″ in the air with your right hand. Your foot will involuntarily reverse direction. like trying to sneeze without closing your eyes – you just can’t *not* do it.

hate those supermarket “loyalty cards”? here’s a place to protest, as well as some interesting insight as to what happens to your personal information. scary. but you already knew that. (thanks, tina)

who knew comic strips could be so deep? “Peanuts” and Sartre’s existentialism. i personally think that’s stretching it a bit though.

the pixies are coming to paris! which hopefully means they’ll also be someplace in london this summer! in paris they’re opening for the RHCP, whom i have officially given up on as major sellouts, but what the hell, i’d still pay to see anthony kiedis in a tube sock.

sidenote: it was ridonculously warm out today 15C (60F!). apparently winter in london is only slightly longer than summer…

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