exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

there is nothing new under the sun

by J at 10:23 pm on 3.02.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica

*yawn*…uproar about janet’s boob. hasn’t madonna done this like four or five times already??

*sigh*…“grand theft auto” is unsurprisingly un-p.c.

*duh*…photo i.d.’s don’t spell out “evildoer” on them.

*ho hum*…bush and blair attempt to backpeddle. they’re a regular vaudeville act, those two.

so, unsurprisingly, my shoulders are still extremely sore from rock-climbing (yes, that was 5 days ago). because the last time i did any shoulder exercises, was um, never. pushups done this week: zero. chance of seducing hot rock-climbing instructors by showing off super-toned shoulders: zero. cute new outfits purchased in attempt to distract instructors from my undertoned-shoulder figure flaw: zero. ah, well.

funny shop sign i saw: “Possibly the best kebabs around”. if that’s not hedging your bets, i don’t know what is.

completely unrelated but funny tangent: kids take on classic rock. loser: bob dylan’s “like a rolling stone”. attention span: 15 seconds. quotable: “bums on sticks”.

it’s bad enough i was convinced by certain people who called me a “cell-phone luddite” that I *had* to get a mobile or i would be laughed out of the u.k., but apparently now the phone i do not even use is hopelessly outdated, simplistic and childlike, and i should get one that has an mp3 player, email capability, integrated digital camera, and palm-organizer all in one, else i might as well be living in the dark ages.

that’s soooo not going to happen. (excuse me whilst i go rub my two sticks together…)

lastly: at least it’s not arial 10pt.

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