I love the smell of chalk in the morning…
>ooof. my ribs ache.
i am well an truly pissed with the city. last night I was late to rock climbing because there were delays on the tube, and this morning, a full 36 hours later, there were still delays on the trains. it’s beyond ridiculous. c’mon, get your act together! (hint: there’s a new miracle invention called “salt”.)
so rock-climbing did not get off to the most auspicious start. i was late, one of the hottie instructors was out. we learned a technique called “bouldering”, and there was one particular problem in the cavern that i *wanted* to solve (involving hanging kinda upside-down and swinging and catching a hold just out of reach), just because no one could get it. i must’ve tried it ten times. which was stoopid, because i wore myself out, so that by the time we went back to the vertical walls at the end of the night, i was knackered. my shoulders were trembling, and my hands were like spaghetti. i had no strength. i got halfway up and felt myself getting ready to fall, and knew i wasn’t going to make it.
i had to come down. i was so mad with myself. i’m used to being able to make my body do what i want, and i just couldn’t. and i *know*, i’ve had the flu and should cut myself some slack, but it was not the note i wanted to end the evening on.
so this week i go back to doing pushups. blech.
and despite my best efforts, there is still chalk under my fingernails this morning.
but i kinda like it.