exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

I love the smell of chalk in the morning…

by J at 9:21 am on 30.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, this sporting life

>ooof. my ribs ache.

i am well an truly pissed with the city. last night I was late to rock climbing because there were delays on the tube, and this morning, a full 36 hours later, there were still delays on the trains. it’s beyond ridiculous. c’mon, get your act together! (hint: there’s a new miracle invention called “salt”.)

so rock-climbing did not get off to the most auspicious start. i was late, one of the hottie instructors was out. we learned a technique called “bouldering”, and there was one particular problem in the cavern that i *wanted* to solve (involving hanging kinda upside-down and swinging and catching a hold just out of reach), just because no one could get it. i must’ve tried it ten times. which was stoopid, because i wore myself out, so that by the time we went back to the vertical walls at the end of the night, i was knackered. my shoulders were trembling, and my hands were like spaghetti. i had no strength. i got halfway up and felt myself getting ready to fall, and knew i wasn’t going to make it.

i had to come down. i was so mad with myself. i’m used to being able to make my body do what i want, and i just couldn’t. and i *know*, i’ve had the flu and should cut myself some slack, but it was not the note i wanted to end the evening on.

so this week i go back to doing pushups. blech.

and despite my best efforts, there is still chalk under my fingernails this morning.

but i kinda like it.

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its the end of the world as we know it

by J at 9:43 am on 29.01.2004 | 1 Comment
filed under: londonlife

it’s positively mind-boggling.

a major metropolitan city can be so well prepared to deal with *bombs* (thanks to the IRA in the 80s), but so ill-equipped to deal with a naturally occuring phenomenon such as snow.

more than 12 hours later, roads are still crazy, trains are delayed and cancelled, schools are closed.

you’d think it was practically the end of the world, but it all amounted to less than an inch in London.


i am soooo over the snow in london thing now. it causes more chaos than it’s worth.

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let it snow!!!

by J at 7:07 pm on 28.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: londonlife

It’s snowing in london!

Click for a larger view
Click the photo for larger view

I feel like i’m eight years old again.

of course, the city is freaking out. they consider this “severe weather”.

ha ha ha. i laugh in the general direction of their severe weather. except when it means my trains don’t run on time. then i don’t laugh at all.

more snowy pics here

late breaking update:

in the space of a few short hours, the lovely snow has become transformed into a ridiculously thick sheet of ice over everything, and upon which, i will very probably bust my ass tomorrow.

*sigh*…i knew it couldn’t last.

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by J at 3:38 pm on 27.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica

ta da!!

behold: the final resting place of jen’s wondrous website. notice the distinct dearth of ads! notice the lovely soundtrack accompaniment! notice the new political, nyc, and skewed linkage!

it is a thing of beauty. (okay, maybe the soundtrack stuff still has one or two bugs to work out…but it mostly works! and isn’t it pretty?!?)

i promise. no more moving. and if you really care (pretend like you do), i am going to syndicate this (soon as i figure out the rss/atom stuff) so that you can be informed when it is updated, instead of me having to mass email people (I know, i know, it’s annoying, so i’ll just say that from now on this will be updated semi-regularly, until I get tired of it). also, archives. because you’ll find yourself quoting me later on, and think, “now where did I read that pearl of wisdom? oh, yes! it was jen’s blog!”. you know you will.

in bizzaro land: yum yum! Electronically curdle your fat to tighten your skin!

only the japanese: a ping pong avalanche

only the british: bill gates is beknighted

holy guacamole: the patriots are causing an avocado shortage

don’t yell, kate, but I still haven’t seen LOTR yet! I promise i will before they win a whole boatload of oscars

never thought in a million years i would say thins, but i am looking forward to the potential snow over here! i need something to help me distinguish “winter” in the uk from “spring”.

meanwhile, back in the frozen tundra of the east coast, people gear up for yet another storm

oh, and if anyone asks, i am “working from home” today…

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recovery room

by J at 9:25 pm on 25.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

sickie update: somewhat better – still achy and exhausted, but no longer feverish with chills. i’ve actually left the flat twice even (to go to the shop). thanks for your overwhelming concern.

because i will probably never in this lifetime get a chance to see this band in person (thanks to a certain “brady bunch” oliver-like jinx, who shall remain nameless, but rhymes with “mandy”) i implore y’all to go see them on my behalf, and blow kisses. the jealous sound rock, and i guarantee you will like them.

lookee! they’re playing near you!

March 4 – Cambridge, MA @ Middle East w/ Engine Down (18up)
March 5 – Brooklyn, NY @ North Six w/ Engine Down (All Ages)

only a few bucks, i’m sure, so lend your support!

in spite of the rumours, there’s usually nothing worth watching on telly over here (sucks when you are sick!), however sex and the city starts its final episodes next friday night, and thanks to angela’s lovely bf paul, we now have access to a vcr, so don’t tell me what happens! however, please tape them for me anyway. ‘coz you never know how 21st century technology will go awry.

now if only the sopranos would get their ass in gear.

i am getting entirely too geeky! (feel free to protest vociferously, by the way.) at the bottom by the soundlinks, is a smart new embedded mp3 player, courtesy of laszlo. currently this is in the default mode, but in the next few days i hope to configure it, so that you can play mp3s from my page without having to download them. at the moment, the xml file would exceed my storage limit on my server, but i am awaiting my domain setup (jnoelbell.me.uk) and then will be all set. also no more ads. big ups for that. and blog archives, lest you miss out on a single scintillating episode.

oh yeah, the music links work now.

9:30 – that means time for bed again.

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apocalypse now

by J at 4:54 pm on 24.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica, mutterings and musings


i have the dreaded virulent kick-ass flu. that, combined with sleep-deprivation and an exhausting jam-packed-meeting-filled week at work, have kept me achy, feverish, and prone in bed for nearly 24 hours. i wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

however, i am bored to pieces with sleeping, and my eyelids are burning up with reading, so i have dragged my laptop into bed to work on finding a place to transfer my website to. my current server sucks rocks with its majorly annoying ftp, non-intuitive web editor, and it won’t let me upload mp3s. and let’s face it: what’s the point of having a website (however tiny) if you can’t inflict your musical taste on people whilst simultaneously thumbing your nose at the riaa?!? exactly.

things to do while you are inert and sick in bed: stare at the walls, turn yourself 180 degrees and stare out the window instead, stare at the ceiling, sleep, read, sleep, watch dvds on your laptop (just watched “magnolia” again, and “high fidelity” for the 8 millionth time – john cusack is emminently lickable [yes, *lickable*] and makes me all hot and bothered [and no, that's not just the fever talking]).

sad news: captain kangaroo has died. you know you are getting old when all your warm and fuzzy childhood icons start dying off like flies. first mr. rogers, now the captain. generations of children today are growing up in a less kind-and-gentle world. will kids born in the naughties grow up and reminisce fondly about the pivotal developmental influence “the rugrats” or “blue’s clues” had on their lives? somehow, i doubt it. the other day i had to explain to angela why “free to be you and me” with marlo thomas had such a profound impact on me as a young girl growing up at the tail end of the women’s lib movement of the 70s. y’all know what i’m talking about. others may dispute this, but i find it really sad that there is no sense of any sort of similar empowering ideal for today’s children to embrace. britney spears is no gloria steinem.

more sad news: despite my wartime-like rationing, my candy corn is gone and my luckycharms are running perilously low. anyone who wants to prove how much they love and miss me, can send me some from here.


back in the gotham jungles of NYC, the city keeps subdividing, and there is no place to hide from the hipsters. jeezus. witness: the birth of loles. the lower-lower east side. where has all the grunge gone? one of the best parts of living there was knowing the tiny seedy neighbourhoods where grime and poverty and the hint of danger all lent themselves to a feeling of inhabiting a different undergound underworld, far from the well-heeled 5th avenue elite. where surviving on mac ‘n cheese, becoming an expert at finding free means of entertainment, and creatively thriving in low-rent/high-crime areas, was an art form? fort greene, williamsburg, red hook, and the meat packing district are all becoming gentrified, even desirable places to live, developing a cachet. places to prove your coolness quotient by going to gallery openings in lofts, drinking in expensive “dive” bars, and paying too much for secondhand designer duds in “thift stores”.

posing poor is the new black. the apocalypse cannot be far away.

in hockey news, congrats to bruins defenseman nick boynton, who was named to the all-star team. he joins perennial fave joe thornton as the b’s only other representative. poor joey is still recovering from face surgery for a broken cheekbone he suffered in a fight with the rangers’ little bitch eric lindros. we still won. then came back the next day and bitch-slapped them again. ha ha. anyway, joe should be good to go for the all star game.

I hate pepsi, but this superbowl ad is kind of tongue-in-cheek cool.

speaking of the superbowl, only 7 days to go! since no one i know here has cable (or cares!) i’ll be going to the pub solo to watch and celebrate into the wee hours of the morning. the only pain will be getting a taxi back home at that hour. not to mention hauling myself in to work on 3 hours sleep! but who care? the pats are gonna be superbowl champions of the world!

i’m babbling on deliriously, now. time for sleep

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im in love

by J at 11:24 pm on 22.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: this sporting life

woo hoo! rock climbing is brilliant!

went to the castle and had the most amazing time. instructors are *hot* (and flirty, but that’s probably just a perk of the job!) and very capable. the place is very young and hip feeling with great music and lots of cute boys. some girls, but still good odds for me!

after we got the boring saftey-schmafety stuff out of the way, we got to start climbing, and (of course) I went first. what a rush! but it’s also very tactical, and you have to think about two steps ahead, so you kind of “zone”, and then you have to let go and make a grab for something out of reach and there’s a spilt second where you think you might fall, and your heart is jumping, and then you are at the top looking around and down, and your feet feel all tingly, and you are chock full of adrenaline, and you feel like you can do anything!

why have I not done this before?!?

then you have to do the stoopid belaying for other people, which is boring. and let’s face it – I am not very good at “taking turns”. i’m just being all antsy until i get to go back up again.

can’t wait til next week. one more thing crossed off the “101 thing to do before i die” list.

in other news, i have a cold. which i am sure you didn’t care to know, but there you go.

(oh, by the way. don’t bother clicking on the music links below, as my server won’t let me put mp3s up, but I am looking at transferring this site anyway…)

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a “fresher” blog…

by J at 5:49 pm on 21.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

not so much politics today – too tired. except to say that a) the president sucks ace, and b) there has always been something I didn’t quite trust about howard dean. and this just cements it. face it. he’s a loon. interested in figuring out who to cast your vote for? try this.

oh, and if you don’t vote, don’t even bother to complain to *me* about anything. talk to the hand. I gotta remember to register for an absentee ballot.

okay, so i lied about no politics. sue me.

things you can do at the british post office:
buy mobile phone cards
pay your car MOT
renew your tv licence
pay your utilities
buy home insurance
cash traveler’s cheques
open a bank account
get stuff notarised
get your government benefits
take out a loan
play the lottery

which is all fine and well and good. except when i waste a whole lunch hour trying to mail a packet.

surprise, surprise! it’s raining again! surprise, surprise! rain tomorrow! although given how small this country is (as compared with giving the weather forecast for New England or the tri-state area) you would think they could give better meteorological advice. all they ever say on the weather here is that it will be “fresher”. what the hell does that mean? colder? wetter? lemon-scented?

in my world-traveller diaries, looks like all my threatening has finally worked! alex and I are actually going to rome in march! I should work for the mob – i could put the hurt on people. alex is clearly scared of me.

the russians have their priorities straight.

because I missed MLK day in the states monday, here’s a belated tribute, which i find particularly apropos:

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

peace out, y’all.

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playing catch-up

by J at 8:12 pm on 20.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica, this sporting life

missed a few bits and pieces whilst i was frying my brain in the sun this weekend. for example:

because i was so focused on getting my spain pics up yesterday, i feel I didn’t really get to gloat sufficiently, so i will take this opportunity to remind y’all that the patriots are going to the superbowl!!!

in the “too little, too late” category, al gore called bush a “moral coward”.

because as good americans, you know you’ll all be glued to the telly tonight, and needing a stiff drink to wash down the taste of all the bullshit, try the state of the union drinking game.

mr “i’m a uniter, not a divider” pulls this crap while i was busy running around spain.

am I the only person in america who didn’t know the washington times was owned by the scary rev sun myung moon of “moonies” cult fame? this is some scary shit.

and since you’ll need a good laugh, here are forty things pres bush will do on mars. too bad it means no more photos like this for the hubble telescope.

enough. i’m losing my post-holiday buzz. but before i go grab another beer, last, but certainly not least, my bestest niece alanna turned the big 1-0 yesterday. happy belated birthday!!!

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if we took a holiday, just some time to celebrate…

by J at 10:24 pm on 19.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: classic, travelology

it’s pissing in london.

back from alicante spain! nick and I had the most fabulous time. very debaucherous. or debauched. or whatever.

met nick at victoria station, and took the tube to heathrow (after an unplanned minor de-caffeinated detour). went to check in at the bmi counter. only to realise that nick has forgotten the tickets. however, we have a printout of our itinerary and devise a plan – which is to play dumb. after much flirting and pretending we didn’t know how to read (”You mean these aren’t e-tickets?”) the kindly gentleman not only re-issued our tix for free (sans the £35 penalty per ticket) but checked us in and gave us boarding passes and a lovely smile.

i highly recommend bmi, if you can catch their fare sales. everyone was sooo nice to us (even the guy who spat in my cup by accident) and for a 2 and a half hour flight, you not only get snacks and yummy sandwiches, but free booze, *and* our flight got in a half hour early. that’s service.

arrived in alicante (no immigration check! therefore no stamp for the passport, boy was i mad) and went to our hotel room, which was cute. the lady was so thrilled that I knew spanish that she proceeded to tell me about every single person she knew in london and america. we immediately hit the beach as it was 20 C (sooo nice), and had our bare feet in the sand and had many beers at a little oceanfront cafe. then we had a nice meal of mussels and beer at another cafe. then we headed off in search of tapas. went into several tapas bars, but like the little goldilocks we are, none was “quite right”. however we had many beers en route and ended up at a very flash tapas bar, where nick kept us well entertained by trying to order mussels in sign language. had a few more beers, then left and somehow decided to start trying on hats and perfume in a department store?!? well, it seemed quite funny at the time, but when that lost its appeal, it was time for more beer, so we hit a local dive bar which was an homage to jimi hendrix. after a long day, it was time to call it una noche.

next morning was a bit cloudy and cool, but still warm enough to enjoy a cafe con leche by the beach. we thought about hiring a car (they drive on the right! yay for me!) but decided drinking and driving was a bad mix, so took a bus to benidorm, a resort just up the coast. got there, went shopping for a bit, then walked along the beach and marina to a lovely little vanatage spot on a beautiful rock outcropping overlooking the sea. the sun came beaming out, we were warm, we had a beautiful view. what more could you want, you might ask? if you answered “more food and beer”, you are right. wandered down the boardwalk, and went into a few cafes, before we had a paella dinner with the british senior shuffleboard club. nick, as per usual, had more ensalada rusa (the girl is addicted) and we watched the sun set and the crowds go by over yet more beer. went in search of some nightlife, and ended up at, of all places, an american rock bar. live music and good crowds (a countrified version of “highway to hell” was particularly amusing). 50s biker americana and biker wannabes everywhere. more beer and free-pour vodkas. ended up talking to two spanish guys (pedro? and david), and snogged for quite a bit (*not* nick, as she will point out, so maybe just me) and suddenly we had to catch the last bus to alicante. however first, nature calls and the palms trees looked a bit dry… (*not* me, as I will point out).

caught the last bus, however the busdriver was quite peevish, and basically yelled at us (guess we were supposed to get some sort of stamp or something, which we sorta ignored). we then spent the entire ride back poking the back of this woman’s helmet hair which was frozen in place. got a call from kate and mum because my beloved pats made it to the superbowl!!, and almost missed our stop, which did not endear us to the bus driver any further. oh well.

got off and started to head to the hotel. we are walking along, and I see a man who is laid out on the ground in an odd manner. go over to see if he’s okay, and it immediately becomes clear he’s *not* okay. my cpr training kicks in. he’s barely breathing. i’m talking to him in spanish, trying to get a response out of him, and his eyes are rolling about in a very disturbing manner, and he manages to tell me he needs the police or ambulance. I run over to this taxi stand and pound on the window of a taxi and tell the driver this guy is in really bad shape, and he needs to call for help. at which point he tells me he *can’t*!!! fcking prck!!! i run back to the guy, and am making sure he’s still breathing, keeping his airway open, checking his pulse, and asking him if he can hear me or speak, and some women come over and tell me the police are coming, and i’m telling him help is on the way and he keeps sliding out of consciousness, and this other taxi man comes over and tells me I shouldn’t be helping him, because they know him and he’s just drunk. which he definitely was, but he was also barely breathing. so i am kneeling there yelling at the taxi driver that i can’t just walk away from him (oh, because he might *die* by the way) and all my chest compression-to-breath ratio stuff is running through my head and i’m trying to see if he has some sort of medical condition or a head injury. and the police finally get there and i tell them what happened. and then we just walk away. no lie. (oh, and i was *not* kneeling in this man’s piss, and i did *not* have to wear those same jeans for the next 24 hours.) we go get a sandwich and some chips, and then go home to sleep.

the next morning, we have a lovely coffee at the marketplace. go vainly in search of nick’s zapatos (red pumas, which we had seen all goddamn weekend in every single shoe store, but when we want to *buy* them, they were nowhere to be found). I bought some perfume (”flower” by kenzo, in case you were wondering. *no one better buy it! it’s my scent!*), had some pasteles from some yummy bakeries, had some more tapas and beer by the beach, and then it was time to head to the airport, where we had more beer, bought some candy (gotta use up those euros you know) and had more wine and sandwiches on the plane.

all in all, a fcking brilliant holiday weekend. view the blurry pics here.

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clark, colts, cars, corporate creepiness, and cold…

by J at 8:04 pm on 16.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica

goddamn, it’s cold in boston. -7F at Logan airport this morning. that’s a cool -21 celsius (it sounds more impressive when you say it in celsius). 350 school districts were closed today so children could stay at home, having grilled-cheese sandwiches and tomato soup in front of cartoons. after 2 years in montreal, where it regularly reached -25 C, i have some pearls of wisdom for you bostonians: you can either be fashionable, or you can be warm. but you can’t be both. think about that when you’re shunning that ski-mask at the back of your closet (or as they call it here, a balaclava. go figger.)

Here’s something brits need desperately: a self parking car. seriously, i used to think i was a pretty bad parallel parker, but compared to some of the attempts here, I am an absolute parking genius. we’re talking one tyre half on the curb, front end sticking out. they quite simply don’t care, and bully for them.

in the “scariest place on earth if you like your civil liberties, or happen to like your windchime collection” category, disneycorp. is selling its celebration! florida community. puts me in mind of “pleasantville”. definitely creepy.

and last but not least, michael moore throws his considerable weight behind… wesley clark?!? which puts him in fine company with madonna. if you care.

think of me as you watch the patriots kick some indianapolis ass sunday. I won’t even know the score til monday night, but peyton manning is going down, hard.

go pats!

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in spite of the weather, there is reason to live!

by J at 8:20 pm on 15.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: eclectica, rant and rage

geez louise. it’s flippin’ wet out there. it’s rained nearly every day since new year’s now, and I’m pretty damn tired of it. i give up even taking out my ‘brolly, because it’s just gonna turn inside out for the 8 millionth time. and in more weather related news, this weekend in alicante (previously forecasted to be a balmy 18 degrees, and 21! degrees just the other day) is now supposed to be 10-12. which is just like here. only not as wet.

however, in spite of the dreary outlook, my mood has brightened considerably, because it’s official! the pixies are back!!!

in other music news, wanna buy a record label? beastie’s old label, grand royale, is up for sale for the bargain basement price of $10K. if i were a millionaire, i’d buy it just for the nostalgia factor.

Also, Sen Kennedy takes shrub to task in a capitol hill-wwf smackdown kinda way. “President Bush said it all when a television reporter asked him whether Saddam actually had weapons of mass destruction, or whether there was only the possibility that he might acquire them. President Bush answered, “So what’s the difference?” The difference, Mr. President, is whether you go to war or not.”

But let’s just forget iraq, and concentrate on something easier, like putting men on mars. besides, apparently it has offended esteemed representative tom delay, who found it “disgusting.” my heart bleeds.

more politix: analysis of the moveon.org anti-bush ad winner. then there’s this hypocrisy as well

that’s all for now. rant off. i’m going to go try and keep warm huddled over Bossanova

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woo hoo! look what I can do!

by J at 10:05 pm on 13.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: blurblets

so this webpage just gets fancier and fancier every day. which of course means, that when things go wrong (as they are wont to do) i’ll never be able to do the maintenance. however this snazzy new scroll feature, makes me happy for the moment.

and I have managed to turn harley the cat’s page into a slide show. lookee here. why harley’s page? because he is the bestest cat in the whole world. with the fewest pictures (setting it up is a byotch).

in the rest of my life, work sucks. this “project management” thing is rapidly turning into a giant pain in the ace. however, I seem to have acquired a consultant-type status. which means I got to go home at 3:30 today, as I “manage my own hours”.

ready for alicante this weekend. flatmate angela has begun organising her 30th b-day do, which will take place in amsterdam the weekend of march 27th. should be fun, but my stomach is already queasy at the thought after my last experiment with the evil fungi. no more o’ that.

wanna see the weather in alicante? i knew you did. later alligator.

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emily’s visit!

by J at 9:30 pm on 11.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: family and friends, londonlife

so em came to visit me for a whirlwind weekend in london. sooo much fun was had. she got in to stansted from montpellier (flying the luxurious ryanair) at 10:00 thursday, and immediately realised, upon hitting the immigration checkpoint, that aside from my phone numbers, she had no other info.

immigration officer: “what’s the purpose of your visit?”

emily: ” i’m visiting a friend.”

i.o.: “where does your friend live?”

e: “ummm… i don’t know. somewhere in london.”

i.o.: “is your friend british?”

e: “no, she’s american.”

i.o. “is your friend a student?”

e: “no, she works.”

i.o.: “what does she do?”

e: “ummm… i don’t know. i know she doesn’t like it.”

all very fishy sounding, but finally they let her through, because well, she just has one of those believable faces and she’s tiny and cute. (if it had been *me*, i think we all know what the ending to *that* story would have been.) the stoopid stansted express was doing “engineering works”, so we raced to catch the last train, but missed it, decided “screw it, if it’s going to take hours anyway, at least we can get good’n lickered-up”, whereupon we had a much-needed drink at the very fashionable Stansted O’Neill’s Pub. em had her first (of many) stella artois. took positively ages to get home, but finally reached chez moi about 2 am, and crashed out.

unfortunately, i had to work friday, but snuck out early, and i *cooked* dinner for us. well, sort of. pre-prepared fish, couscous from a packet, and salad from a bag. tasty. em was sick with a cold and still really tired, so we went to a few local-ish pubs in clapham. missed meeting up with nick in balham, so after last call, we headed home.

saturday, we got up, had traditional british crumpets and not-so-traditionally-british dunkin’ donuts french vanilla coffee (dee-lish! thanks kate!), and went to hampstead heath, where emily was able to pay homage at the keats house, we sloshed through ankled deep mud along the foggy moors, and refreshed ourselves with some very fancy french pastry and “white coffee”. then we walked, and walked and walked to camden, browsed the markets, bought tacky junk and a fun shirt, hit a pub for some drinks, then decided to go eat. my infallible sense of direction provided us with a long and extremey circular walk around old street, then we went to soho for some yummy indian (de rigeur), went to the snooty “o bar” for a few cocktails, then “yo! below” for a few more cocktails, where there were lots of slutty looking pudgy british girls, no neck massages, and some tantalizingly hilarious karaoke which petered out abruptly.

sunday morning we headed for a lovely late breakfast/early lunch down at southbank, braved the hurricane winds of the thameswalk, then perused the sometimes-cool, sometimes-puzzling tate modern. suddenly it was time to go, so i dropped em at liverpool street station with 7 minutes to spare and we bid adieu.

the weather was crap (as to be expected) but i have now had opportunity to practice my hosting skills – we only got lost once, emily left my flat alive and only a little bit worse for the wear, so it looks like jen’s b & b is open for business and taking all future bookings… hint, hint

see what kind of crazy fun could be yours for the asking

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hurrah! hurrah!

by J at 9:14 pm on 8.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: blurblets

hurrah! hurrah! I seem to have figured this webpage thing out. So i’ve put up a few more photos (family, friends and pets). check ‘em out here

In the meantime, Emily is coming to visit me in london this weekend, and next weekend, nick and i are off to the warmer climes of alicante, spain. it won’t exactly be beach weather, but it should be around 18 C (which is somewhere in the upper 60s for you fahrenheit folks). break out the tee-shirts, I’m ready for sand and sangria aplenty. i’m sooo ready – it’s been rainy here for like, forever, man

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makes me wanna…

by J at 4:58 pm on 7.01.2004Comments Off
filed under: blurblets, rant and rage

…tear my freakin’ eyes out.

george bush has a blog…

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